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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Coen's Baptism

My sweet, sweet boy was baptized! I can hardly believe it still! When did he grow up? My kids are getting so old! It was such a wonderful day! His daddy baptized and confirmed him, and we were surrounded by wonderful family and friends! Thank you to all who made it such a wonderful day! We had the baptism at the church followed with cookies and punch! Then the family came back to our house and we had lunch and a little birthday party for him! He couldn't stop smiling the whole day! I had a couple of good cries, but did pretty good I think! They were happy tears! ;) I'm so so grateful for a gospel that teaches us that baptism is the first step toward returning to live with our Heavenly Father again! And that we are able to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! Its a wonderful helpmate! I hope and pray that Coen really learns to hear that spirit and listen to it! It will be such a help to him! I love that boy so, so much! I'm so blessed to be his mom! I thank my Heavenly Father every day for sending my him, and all my kids! Happy Baptism Day Coen! We love you so much!

1 comment:

Paul & Marlee said...

Such a fun day! And he's such a stud!