My Photography

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Monday, June 4, 2007

Baby Hungry!

So this is one of Doug's bosses, his name is Joe. Joe and his wife Christa are so baby hungry. Its really funny, they just love our kids, but our kids are still getting warmed up to them. Its funny Joe is always trying to get Coen to play with him and Coen just blows him off. So the other night they were over to play games, and we had put Emma in bed, but she was crying so Joe went and got her and she just loved him after that, they were playing and laughing and having fun. It was really cute! They are a really fun couple, I'm glad we are getting to know them.


Christa Skousen said...

I love these pictures!! Sometimes I wonder if it is because we are baby hungry or simply that your kids are the cutest munch kins in the world...maybe a little of both.

Anonymous said...

what I can't believe about these pictures is that he's wearing a coat! oh my word!!! it's 90 degrees here....and he's wearing a coat. maybe I'll consider moving.....

I sure my babies. give them both 2000 kisses from nanna!
and give yourself a few too!

Anonymous said...

meant to say "miss" my babies...I'm sure you can figure that out though.
