My Photography

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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Things I Love

Okay Melissa tagged me to do the Seven things I love, here goes.......

1. The first thing would be my Husband!! He is the greatest husband in the world. Yes we fight sometimes, but all in all, he is great. He is always worrying about the welfare of his family, how we are doing and what we need. He works so hard all day long either at school or work or both. He is so loving and caring. I'm so glad that we were sealed in the Temple and that we get to be together for Eternity!

2. Second would be my wonderful children, Coen and Emma! They are the light of my life. Coen is so big and just talks all the time. He loves his baby sister and is a great big brother. He is so funny too, he just makes us laugh all the time. Emma is so sweet too, she is a Mommy's girl. She started crawling last week and is so fun. She is talking more too, and she does this head banger thing that is too cute. I just love her. They are amazing kids, and not to mention the most beautiful ever!
3. Third would be our families, extended! They are so great as well. They do so much for us, and living away from them sure makes you appreciate all that they do you for, and how much they love us! My friends would probably be included in this one, all though I don't have many. But my best friend Amy, I sure miss her, and doing things with her. She is a really great friend!!
4. Four would have to be Chocolate, I love most kinds of chocolate. My favorite is snickers! They are so addicting, the little bite sized ones, oh yeah!
5. Five would be Ice Cream, I love ice cream, I haven't had any in a while though, you know you do what you have to to loose weight! Or to try anyway.
6. Six would have to be Sewing. I'm really liking learning how to sew. I am very far from good, but. My new project that I am about to start is a fun blanket. It will be fun to experiment.
7. Seven would have to be Sleep! I love to sleep and I don't get a whole lot of it, so i cherish it when I do get it.
There you go Melissa, not quite as fun as yours but! So I am tagging Christa, Have fun!!

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