My Photography

I just started my photography blog, Chelsea Kay Photography!! Check it out and schedule a session!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


So I had some requests for some more pictures, so here they are!! Emma started crawling a couple of weeks ago, and she is getting pretty darn good at it. She can get all over the place! Shes cute!! Coen is just getting older and more of a big brother. He was playing with his train, and Emma wanted to help. So Coen was telling her "be careful Emma, watch your fingers." It was really cute, they are growing up so fast. I cant believe Emma is about to be 9 months old, that is crazy.


Melissa Fullmer said...

man, she's got some fuzzy hair!!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Yay Emma!

Anonymous said...

Just can't wait to see these great grandchildren of ours. They sure are growing up fast.

Anonymous said...

Nanna sure is missing her babies! Coen looks so grown up! I can't wait to see them. Emma still smiles with her whole face...what a sweet baby. Give them both kisses from Nanna.
love you,