My Photography

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TRAINS Galore!

Okay Dad & Terri, here you go! Coen is obsessed with trains, he eats, sleeps, and dreams trains. I'm not even kidding! Emma will play trains all day too, if Coen would let her. Well my dad decided that he was going to send Coen a train hat, Coen calls it his "train conductor" hat. So he sent Emma this shirt too. Doug bathed them and put the shirt on her and she was so excited, "Papa's shirt" she said! So I though it was a good time for a picture, she added daddy's socks! They are just the cutest kids ever, this next one better be just as cute, or its going to have a hard time around here!!!
Enjoy Dad! Sorry for all the pictures, but they dont get to see the kids often!


Paul & Marlee said...

Very cute! haha
I cant wait to see them on Saturday!

Castaneda 5 said...

Hi Chelsea!

I found you via Lacey's blog. I've wondered how ya'll were doing. Ya'll look great! Make sure and add us to your page!

Castaneda 5 said...
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The Eggleston family said...

Way cute pictures. Does he love Thomas the train? My nephew LOVES Thomas the train. He knows the names of every train car... It's cute. Trains are pretty cool!

Aaron and Julie said...

Looks like lots of fun!! I especially love the socks!
My great grandmother who is 95 has a train and when we were little we would go down to her basement and she would put her conductor hat on and blow her train whistle while she turned on the electricity and we would be in awe of grandma still enjoying something like trains and her wide collection of cars and villages!! So Coen keep up the love of trains and you'll stay young forever!!

Anonymous said...

what precious grandkids I have!!! they are soooo cute. I can't believe how big Coen looks in these pictures. but then, I can't believe how "big" he sounds every day when he calls to talk to me on the phone! I'm getting older by the second.....

Sally said...

LOVE the socks!! :D