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Monday, May 4, 2009

Cutness and Confessions

These were taken a couple of weeks ago! I'm a little behind on the blogging! Aren't they so cute! I hope these two grow up to be so close and such good friends! Lyla is only 12 days older than her cousin Kamryn! They are both so sweet and so cute! We love you Kamryn. and wish we saw more of you, and your sweet sister!!!
On another note: I need some help/advice. I'm suffering from post-partum depression and anxiety. I hate to even admit that, but I am, and its been exceptionally bad this past week. I was going to get some meds from my doc, but am really not wanting to go that route. So I'm asking all of you out there if you have suffered or know someone who has, if there is another way to treat it or suppress it, rather than meds. I'm really extremely grateful to my husband for all of his support, he has been amazing through all of this. I hope I never complain about him again, cause he is truly amazing. Its been a really hard week and I'm so grateful for him. Also grateful for my wonderful in laws, they have been such a great help these last few days also. I/we couldn't have made it without their help! Anyway, please send me some advise, I beg of you!!!


bedelia said...

you know, I had some pretty nasty postpartum after Jonah and I didn't want anyone to know. Looking back I wish I had gotten meds or something because, frankly, I would have been happier and thus a better mom.

Have you talked to your bishop about counseling through LDS family services? And have you talked to your Dr? Maybe they would know some alternatives.

For depression unrelated to pregnancy, getting outdoors and exercise are both good.

Maybe you don't want to hear positives about meds but if I ever have postpartum again, I think I'm much more willing to take meds. My sister used meds after her last and 6th baby. For her it was more of anxiety than depression although it was a part as well. She wishes she had used them after previous kids. She got the lowest dose possible and it made a huge difference. I don't know your reasons for not wanting meds, but I do feel like Heavenly Father inspired someone to create them and they were created to help people. People can definitely abuse them though so I'm not saying its right for everyone.

Good luck. I think you are a terrific mom and enjoy keeping up with you through the blog world. And I think you are brave for asking for help. Sometimes just having people know helps.

Sorry this is the longest comment ever.

Susan said...

I don't have any first-hand advice for you, but I do want you to know that I think you are an amazing mom! Post-partum depression is pretty common...I think if more women would talk about and share their experiences it would help others know they're not alone and help others to recognize it earlier when/if they ever get it! So I appreciate your willingness to talk about it! I would definitely talk to your doctor. He/she may have non-med ideas, but I agree some meds to just get you through this phase might be good. Most women I know who have had it haven't had to be on meds long-term. Hang in there and accept all the help offered! You're awesome!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any experience first hand, but I may have it in the next few weekd, so I really appreciate you being honest and open. What I have heard from other mom's that I work with is to get outside as much as possible, take sometime to yourself, make sure you are taking a multi vitamin with Omega 3's. they are suppossed to help with depression. i know now they make prenatal's that come in a two pack. One is the regular vitamin and one is the Omega 3 on it's own. I hope this helps. you will get through this, and come out an even better mom than you already are :)

Amber Larsen said...

hey girl! First... your kids are so cute! And I love the name Lyla, it's so beautiful. I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with that, I know that's hard. I wish I had some really good advice for you, but I don't. Just pray about it and I'm sure the answer will come. Love ya!!

Clark Family said...

I think it is great too, about the honesty.Most LDS moms paint this unrealistic picture of what being a mom is really like. For me the biggest thing that helped was finding ME! I had to find what I enjoyed and go do it. Give yourself a break. Being a Mom is great, but you are Chelsea to, go away and stuff for you every week, heck every day if you have to. Don't loose you in your children. I know I am a better Mom if I can still be me. You are great!! Your kids are beautiful, your husband loves you, and most of all your Heavenly Father loves you (don't forget him!)

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet sweet Chelsea!
You are doing the right thing by admiting that something is up and looking for help from other moms and people who have been there! I dont know too many women who were not-- but I know tons that are not willing to admit it!

It hits women so differently, but it does hit them!

This stuff is temporary! Remember that! It is normal normal noraml! Now- some of your friends know, some of your family know-- you dont need to go to LDS family services or anything like that- but it would be very wise of you to talk to your doctor asap!

They expect women to feel this way after a baby and especially after their 3rd beautiful baby! They will give you tons of tips and advice and maybe some medication to use for a week or so to see if it does help. If you have concerns about the medication, they can talk to you about your concerns and figure out other options!

This is not just for you, it is also for your children. They need their mom and you need them. And not any guilty or frustrating feelings! You need to feel good again and get back into the swing of things!

Doctors can help!

I would also suggest calling the Relief Society President or your Visiting Teachers. They can continue to pray with and for you, stop by, help with day to day stuff around the house- if anything just give you a call! It will help! It does help!

Make sure you talk to someone (over the age of 5) every day!

You can do it!

Chris and Jamie said...

So sorry your not feeling great. The only thing that worked for me and I know this is way harder than just taking drugs, was to get outside everyday. I personally hit the gym hard after 6 weeks not before. You body produces endorphins when you work out that are just not produced without doing so. I called the gym my happy time. Endorphins help to minimize stress and produce happy hormones. If you can not get to a gym everyday I would make sure when Doug gets home from work you head out on a good 30 min walk around the block. You need at least 30 min a day and it needs to be without the kids. Also Chris went and bought me a wall calendar and every Sunday we would sit down and plan things for me to do the upcoming week. I mean write everything down (laundry, dishes, kids naps). It just makes you feel like you have accomplished something for the day when you are checking tasks off. Let me know if this helps at all.