My Photography

I just started my photography blog, Chelsea Kay Photography!! Check it out and schedule a session!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Last week Coen had been asking me why it doesn't snow here in Texas. We were talking about it, and he asked if it would ever snow. So I told him he could pray to Heavenly Father and ask him if he would let it snow here. Coen said okay! So he prayed for it for a couple of days, and what do you know! We got snow!!! I got up around 7 am one day, and looked outside and there it was. So I figured I better wake him up and let him see it! At first when I told him, he jumped up and looked out the window, then I went and was sitting on the couch a few minutes later and I looked down the hall to see this....
He was so excited he couldn't stand it! Then he came out and was sitting at the window watching, so I told him to take his pillow and blanket and lay by the back door. He did and when it stopped he came and told me and then went back to bed!! It was so cute!!
Just some randoms from the park for Theron's birthday party! The kids had fun playing!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

What a cool kid! Of course here we are praying that it will STOP snowing... Just send him to my house for the weekend, and he'll come home cured of that wish. =) I love the Halloween costumes, by the way, very clever.